Our Ministries
We are committed to teaching and preaching the whole counsel of God’s word without constraint, because the Gospel will transform the lives of everyone that receives it. As a church family, we will teach God’s word and equip you to become an effective leader.

Where men huddle up to receive Insight, Knowledge, Guidance in winning and living a championship winning life.
Bible based and Championship paced!

Huddles on the 2nd Saturday of each month 10am-12pm (Schedule may vary)
Deacon Steve Williams (813) 843-0515

The Mission of the Women of Destiny is to touch the lives of women by the transforming power of Jesus Christ, discipling them to follow Christ’s example and training them to minister to others. We are destined to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.

Our music is designed to exalt the majesty and wonder of our great God. Music that ministers to the heart is presented in a God-honoring style that exalts God.
Our mission is to praise, worship, encourage, deliver and bring healing through dance.
We realize that children are an invaluable asset in our ministry and community; they are the future leaders in our church. Sunday school and children church are designed to minister to the needs of our children and help prepare them for service.

Reaching out to spread the gospel in our community transforming the lives of everyone that receives it.
At PFCM, we believe that each one of us has a purpose and a personal destiny designed and planned by God. We are vitally interested in the lives of Singles and have created a ministry where you can grow spiritually and emotionally in your relationship with God and others and discover the destiny that God has for you.

Our mission is to deliver knowledge and praise direct to your home, through our Video Ministry.

Soon to be Live Online as well as available for DVD.



2011 All rights reserved by People for Christ Ministries, Inc.
Website Design by Connecx Multimedia