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[ Dr. Thomas L. Hadden, III ]
Apostle/Dr. Thomas L. Hadden, III

Apostle/Dr. Thomas Hadden is the Senior Pastor and founder of People for Christ Ministries. He is married to the “Diamond” of his life Rev. Angie Hadden and the proud father of three sons and three daughters.
Apostle/Dr. Hadden comes from a home where biblical based principles were instilled in him as a young child. He believes that if you train up a child in the way that he should go, he might depart, but will eventually find his way back home.

He has committed his life to helping other realize the importance of developing love for the Word of God and memorization of scriptures is often characterized as “the walking Bible”.

His mission is to Win the lost at all cost and teach the found. Pastor Hadden is well known as great Revivalist and Conference host throughout the Tampa Bay area, North Carolina, South Carolina, Dallas Texas, West Palm Beach, Alabama and Port-Au-Prince.

Dr. Hadden is well known and sought after to impact any congregation and setting with the life-saving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When asked about his life in Christ, Pastor Hadden responds, “I live for the Lord, and I strongly believe that if I take care of God’s business, God will take care of mine.

Dr. Hadden has demonstrated sensitivity to the Spirit of God and to his congregation. Dr. Hadden was called to preach the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ through a series of life-changing circumstances. This spiritual journey began on December 8, 1991, after being converted. Dr. Hadden was licensed and ordained to preach the gospel at Highland Missionary Baptist Church under the pastoral of Sammie L. McQueen.

Pastor Hadden begin outreach ministry in May 1992, and the Holy Spirit directed him to begin ministry in a drug-infested area in College Hill Projects.


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